Tuesday, February 15, 2005

I'm sick but stubbornly going to work anyway, since my position doesn't come with any kind of sick pay. Today my voice slowly degenerated into a hoarse croak, which hopfully, with the proper application of warm tea, will heal quickly. If not, I'm set to play the Onceler in a live production of The Lorax tomorrow night, so I guess I can pass off my voice as a "cruffulous" croak.
Walking in the rain all day and a portion of the night hasn't helped matters, I'm sure... On the other hand, I've got a pretty good group of kids this week. They all behave, and there's a little boy with cerebal palsy who is really cool, doing everything the other kids do and barely complaining. He does get tired on the uphill hikes, so I may have to trade him over to one of the other groups on Thursday, since our group is going up, up, and up.

Okay, to bed, to bed...

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