Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Salamander Spazz

The two animals to visit me last night were a small mouse, who perched on the windowsill outside the hub window sometime in the wee hours, and a lone Batrachoseps attenuatus (aka California Slender Salamander) hanging out on the front walkway. This second encounter gave me the rare opportunity to observe an interesting behavioral adaptation, which for lack of a better term, I'll call "complete spazz attack".

See a short video here.

The above video and the below photos were taken with my phone. Why is it that now that I've actually got a couple of decent cameras, I'm taking photos with my damned phone? "Because it's in my pocket," is the answer that springs to mind.

Later, as is often the case this time of year, colorful things happened in the morning sky.

I really do love this time of year.

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