Friday, November 28, 2014

Calm Down, Stay Home

Eva has started a blog, featuring photos & quotes from strange people she has encountered. As of now, most of the photos on the page were taken in San Francisco on Monday.

Today is Black Friday, during which people brawl in the aisles of big box stores and wage open warfare in the parking lots surrounding them. Sensible people refer to the day as "Buy Nothing Day", and celebrate it by staying home or doing something outside that doesn't involve a wallet. I'll admit that Jeanine and I went to the Harvest Festival in downtown San Jose. Jeanine does this every year. It's nice to buy things from people who actually make their wares. Some of these people make candy. That always inspires a purchase or two. So, I guess we celebrated "Buy Hardly Anything Day" today.

Then, I finished watching Season One of the French TV show, Les Revenants. Good stuff. It looks like, as usual, there is a U.S. remake coming. The French version is based on the movie, They Came Back, making the upcoming U.S. remake a show based on a show based on a movie. How's that for originality? The French show is well worth watching though. The U.S. version is set to air on A&E in 2015, and features a soundtrack composed by Jeff Russo and Zoe Keating, which should be good. Speaking of music, the soundtrack for the French show was composed by Mogwai, and is suitably haunting and eerie.

Strangely enough, Dexter crawled into my lap while I was sitting there. He never does that. I think he must have been cold. It's mostly sunny today, but there is an autumnal chill in the air, and rain is expected tomorrow.

He looks kind of embarrassed in the picture though.

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