Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Another one from the "where are they now?" files:

When I was 21 or so, I was briefly the "singer" for a band called Backslide. We were all heavily influenced by 80's punk bands like Antisect and Amebix - sociopolitical lyrics, rapid-fire drums, shouted/roared vocals, abrasive, downtuned guitar and bass... you get the picture. We rehearsed in drummer Max's parent's front room in Atherton. Tim, the bass player, and I shared lyric writing duties, and he wrote all the music (if I recall correctly). The guitarist was a guy named Dan - I can't even remember his last name now. We never recorded anything other than a few rehearsal tapes, and only played two shows, one of which was in some kid's room for his birthday party ("stage-diving" from tables - table diving?), and another was at a venue called Pena Moai (or something like that) in East Palo Alto, during which we succeeded in driving a large portion of the audience away. By that point there was a girl called Jimena singing as well. I can't even remember why we decided to call it a day as a band. Max went on to play in Spazz, and probably a lot of other bands that I'm not thinking of right now. I'm not sure where Dan ended up. I think he worked at Tower for awhile. I think I saw Jimena at some protests later on. At some point, Tim moved to Ireland.

I got an e-mail from another old friend last week in which he mentioned that Tim visited him (with his kids - it seems that everybody has them now) and that he raps now. I googled him and found this, and this. Not bad, actually, and that's coming from someone who doesn't usually listen to rap. The sampled strings in Juggernaut are cool.

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