Thursday, April 30, 2020

Working From Home

I'm nearing the end of a second week of working from home, which is different from my "on call" status the previous five weeks of sheltering in place. I have mostly been working on our camp's field guide project, making a page for every vertebrate animal seen at camp, as well as a fair number of invertebrates. As of this morning, I had four more pages to complete, but then I went on an animal counting expedition with a couple of my co-worker friends and we saw a new bird. Well, not new, but new to us, so now I have to make a page dedicated to the Warbling Vireo.

We have also been filming little videos in an effort to remain relevant even though no kids will be coming to camp until we don't know when. We've got a YouTube channel, Facebook page, Instagram, and something called Tic Toc which was new to me before all of this.

As I type, I can see a bird darting into and out of the one of the trees in the backyard. It's busy. It's either one of our resident California Towhees or the local Black Phoebes.

More to come. Now it's time to go eat pizza.

Currently listening to: Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan "Bandit Queen" soundtrack.

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