Sunday, April 12, 2020

Backyard Activity and Online Music

As I type, a pair of House Sparrows are rummaging on the ground in the backyard, grabbing prize chicken feathers to, uh... feather their nests with. The local mockingbird has been singing its little mockingbird heart out. The Bewick's Wrens thought about moving into the decorative watering can cavity nest I hung on the side of the chicken coop, but I think they changed their minds after I noticed them. I've also managed to get up to camp at least once a week, which means I get to photograph birds who don't visit our backyard. The weather has been a mixture of bright, sunny days and pouring rain, plus everything in between. It has been a typical April, in that regard at least.

I've also been enjoying the occasional live music via Facebook. I've already seen two excellent Xambuca shows, and this morning watched hurdy-gurdy innovator Guilhem Desq do a show, during which he took the time to explain things in both French and English. I wouldn't have thought of this, but an online show with an international audience is tough to do if there is any talking involved, at least if you want everyone to understand you. Much appreciation for artists who are entertaining us all with live music!

Currently listening to: Simon Finn "The Distance Between Stones"

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