Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Numbers Are People

The latest data I've seen is the following:
Total number of cases in Santa Clara County: 1793
New cases today: 127
Number of cases in California: 26,963
Number of cases in the U.S.: 637,333
Total number of confirmed cases: 2,083,384
U.S. fatality rate: 5%
Global fatality rate: 7%

Of course, this data relies, to a certain extent, on the availability of testing materials, which are in short supply. Our federal government is failing us in a most egregious way, but on a state level, at least some governors are stepping up. I'm thankful to live in a state with a governor who is actually taking action.

I imagine that if everybody could be tested, the fatality percentage would drop a bit, since at the moment it seems that in a lot of places, only people who are showing specific symptoms are being tested. It has been mentioned, after all, that some people have the virus, yet are asymptomatic.

It's hard to wrap my brain around these numbers. Each number is an individual. Each individual has a story. In my social circle, there are a few people who have gotten Covid-19, but as of this writing, they're all on the mend.

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