Monday, May 04, 2020

Week 8

This is the beginning of the 8th week of sheltering in place. Other than going to the pet store around the time it started, getting gas last week, and going up to camp once or twice a week, I've gone nowhere. The funny thing is, I don't mind much. There is always something to do. For example, I just wrote the 168th page for the animal field guide project I've been working on. That's one page for every vertebrate (and a few invertebrates) we've seen around camp. I have photos for nearly all of them as well.

I've been adding to my list of backyard animals (a definition that includes animals seen from the backyard, not just ones physically in the backyard), and some interesting ones have cropped up. I'll share photos soon.

I'll share my Facebook post verbatim describing a backyard moment earlier today:

I was out in the backyard earlier, enjoying the breeze and birdsong, when out of the tree came a glittering cascade, like a faerie waterfall. I almost walked right through it, but then stopped to wonder what could be causing such a thing.

It's a good thing I did.

Squirrel pee.

After it was done peeing, I took its picture. I'll publicly shame the little beast the next time I share some photos.

Currently listening to: My Brightest Diamond "From the Top of the World"

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