Wednesday, January 01, 2020

Roaring Twenties?

A smattering of explosions preceded and followed midnight, eventually trailing off into silence and poor air quality alerts. I hadn't planned to stay up until midnight, but did anyway.

I'm in the middle of reading the 9th Malazan Book of the Fallen novel, Dust of Dreams (I keep wanting to call it Dust of Time, but that's an Angelopoulos film). It's actually so long that it's spread out over two books, each well over a thousand pages in length. I've decided not to do a reading challenge this year because I find that I delay reading longer books in order to inflate my numbers before the end of the year. Maybe I take fun challenges too seriously. It's not like I need a challenge to encourage reading anyway.

I re-watched two films last night, Werner Herzog's Where The Green Ants Dream, and when Jeanine came home, John Carpenter's Halloween II. Strange double feature.

The last bird I saw in 2019 was a California Towhee, and the first bird I saw in 2020 was a Yellow-rumped Warbler. Neither was unexpected.

The first music of the new year is: "Fiddly Bits 1.x"

Happy New Decade. I wonder if mentally compartmentalizing time makes it seem to go faster. I'm guessing not, if my two weeks off for the holidays are any indication.

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