Monday, January 20, 2020

Name Change

I just changed the title of this blog to something more appropriate. The old name, "The Continuation of Life As We Know It", was overlong and kind of weak. I'm not sure why I kept it for nearly 18 years. Actually, I am sure. I have a tendency to accept things as they are, which often reveals itself as a kind of weird complacency.

The new name, "Antisocial Media", isn't so much a criticism of social media (although there are definitely a long list of criticisms that could be leveled at it) as a description of having a "blog" in 2020. If I was writing on parchment with a quill pen, I wouldn't be too much more out of date. I'm under the impression that nobody much reads this (especially after me writing next to nothing for over a year), so it's not like there is any real social element to it.

Also, I do have antisocial tendencies. I'm an introvert. I don't go to parties very often, and I find that as I get older, I'm happier staying at home than going out. I have huge libraries of books, records, and films to entertain me.

These days, when I do go out, it's usually into the wild(ish) places with my camera. Sometimes Jeanine comes along. More often she doesn't. She works on weekends, after all.

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