Sunday, January 26, 2020

The Hermit Thrush Returns

I saw the Hermit Thrush in the yard again today. I figured I'd mention it because seeing it on the Winter Solstice is what provided the incentive to start posting here again. I don't think it's living in our yard this winter though, because I've only seen it three times since the solstice. The recent daily birds seem to be a pair of California Towhees, a Yellow-rumped Warbler, and an assortment of Robins. A Bewick's Wren visits every once in awhile, as do some House Finches and a Black Phoebe.

I spent the week at our Cupertino site, cramming five days worth of instruction into four days. Or, to be more honest, dispensing with most of my usual lessons and spending more time simply hiking. There was no rain to speak of, and Steven's Creek reservoir is looking low (unlike Lake Ranch reservoir). Piccheti pond is empty as well, although I didn't visit it, preferring instead a long hike past the reservoir and then up to Maisie's peak, which is the highest point in the Fremont Older open space preserve. The view was partially obscured by some low valley fog, with the tops of the east bay hills peeking above it like inscrutable faces above bed sheets.

Willow is here this weekend, and we plan on going out later to hand in her old phone, since she got a new one on her mom's account,which she is paying for herself because she is gainfully employed. It will be nice to have one less bill to pay. There is nothing else on the agenda for today, at least not yet. Jeanine isn't working, so maybe we'll do something later.

Here are a few photos from the week:

An American Robin, bathing in Steven's Creek.

White-breasted Nuthatch.

Nuttall's Woodpecker.

Oak Titmouse.

Golden-crowned Sparrow, appearing to give directions.

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