Tuesday, December 31, 2019

According to my technology, I've walked 3,122.28 miles this year. The disintegration of several pairs of shoes now makes so much more sense. I recently bought an expensive pair of hiking boots though, so hopefully my next shoe purchase will be far in the future.

Oh, how many steps are in 3,122.28 miles? Apparently 6,132,771.

When I wasn't walking, I was reading.

This coming year, I vow to watch more films. I've been neglecting to do that lately. I've been plowing through a Werner Herzog box set during the annual pause between Christmas and the new year, so I'm off to a good start even before the ball drops.

Maybe I'll write more too. I feel like I've at least blown the dust off this site. The spiders can stay though. I never kick out spiders.

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