Saturday, September 02, 2006

Above the Valley

Above the Valley
Originally uploaded by Corbie.
Everybody is back in school now. Sophie now goes to the same school as the boys, but starts her day later than they do. Willow started preschool and seems to like it. She definitely doesn't have a problem with Jen and I leaving when we drop her off. We've both been dropping her off (with Sophie along for the ride as well) because my car is still dead in the driveway and I start work around the corner from Willow's school (although Jen will tell you that my definition of "around the corner" differs from hers).

We hope to get my car fixed next weekend. Public transportation around here sucks, and the road I would have to take were I to bike to work has been the scene of many cyclist fatalities over the years.

The picture of Nate was taken in the nearby hills. We've been trying to engage in more one-on-one time with the kids, especially the boys since Willow gets a lot already and Jen gets time with Sophie due to school schedules. I took Nate on a hike looking for tarantulas, but tarantula season doesn't start in earnest for another month, so we didn't find any. We had a great time anyway. Here he can be seen looking out over the valley, which only looks good from a distance. The hills smell a lot better too, and we both came home smelling of them.

I got some unexpected and much needed extra work this past week in the form of random maintainence work at the school. They've broken ground and are in the process of digging various trenches and shoving vast quantities of dirt around the site, so our various painting and mending jobs were done to the tune of beeping and clunking of heavy construction equipment. It's a shame they ripped out the blackberry bushes to put in a sewer pipe though.
Our last task yesterday was to unbolt or saw off everything connecting the large banana slug-visaged water tanks to the ground in preparation for their removal. The site is going to look barren without them.

Willow has just wandered in and needs attention. Bye.

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