Monday, November 09, 2015

Quarry Park

We got some more rain this weekend, and even a bit of thunder and lightning. Dexter the cat spent some time in the closet with his tail all poofed up. He's not a fan of thunder. Brian the kitten isn't fazed by it at all.

Willow and I checked out the new Quarry Park in Saratoga yesterday. It's near my work, and features the remnants of an old quarry, as well as information about the mining (copper and lime) that used to take place there. All of the facilities are sparkling and new, and the gravel-lined pathways are pristine. I think Willow took more pictures than I did. She looked inside the restrooms just so she could marvel at how clean they were. All of the trash cans and picnic tables were brand new too.

From the overlook at the park, there was a decent view of the cloud-enshrouded South Bay.

Today, in the backyard, a gravity-defying squirrel was spotted eating lunch. We no longer care if they eat our avocados. There are just too damned many of them. Have at it, squirrels.

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