Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Happy Autumn Equinox

Each year, the temporal distance between the solstices and the equinoxes seems shorter, although I guess we're all halfway to somewhere. As I type these words, we're halfway to the Winter Solstice. I'm afraid to blink. If I do that, my eyes will open on the Winter Solstice and the final ashes of the year will whirl away on the winter wind. That is assuming that there will be wind. While I'm assuming things, I guess I'll go the distance and assume some actual rain into being as well.

Happy Autumn Equinox. The day started off a bit foggy, but it didn't last. Outside, doves and chickens mingle in the dirt under a blue sky. The squirrels have been decimating our avocados too. Here's some photos from yesterday.

At work last night, a couple of kids did some regurgitating in the darkness, meaning I earned my pay. Before this, a skunk wandered past the Hub, making a circuit of the cabins. Fearing that some sleepy kid would wander out and trip on him, I herded him away from the buildings. He let me get within about five feet before turning and waddling off.

Here are a pair of bad phone photos.

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