Tuesday, January 06, 2009

This past weekend marked the end of the holiday season for me. Tonight is my first night back to work.

I spent my last holiday weekend watching beer getting brewed (which is interesting even if you, like me, don't actually drink beer), attending a memorial/cabin dedication for Sea Turtle, hanging out with an old friend & meeting her boyfriend, buying music and books, and listening to three actors (including my brother, who actually more a sound designer than an actor) reading stories to a packed room at the Berkeley City Club, and cleaning up around the house (can you say "around the house" if you live in a studio apartment?).

I've got some financial aid issues that need straightening out, but I know where I'm going to be student teaching when the 4th and last term of my teacher credentialing program starts at the beginning of next week. It's going to be a lot of work, done on not enough sleep, but by mid-April it will be behind me.

I'm looking forward to the year ahead.

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