Saturday, May 27, 2006

Waking the Pigs

Waking the Pigs
Originally uploaded by Corbie.
I took Willow to Hidden Villa earlier today, where she did her best to wake up the pigs. They ignored her efforts.
We had a good time around the farm and down by the creek where Willow repopulated the creek bed with expatriate rocks. For some reason though, when we left the farm and entered the woods, she got scared. I think it started around the time we came across a pair of Whiptails (pretty leopard-spotted lizards that act like they're jacked up on about fifteen cups of espresso). She's been acting like a chicken more often lately. It seems that all of the scuttling noises in the underbrush combined with the dark shadows under the trees convinced her that it was time to magically teleport back to the farm. She wasn't happy when we couldn't teleport, and let this be known as we walked back.

While all of this was happening, Jen was getting her hair cut. It looks great, and maybe if I say it to her enough times she'll believe me. Right now she's up in Oakland watching Faun Fables perform The Transit Rider. There are a variety of people doing short sets beforehand, including my brother. I went last night and got to see a different bunch of people kick of the proceedings, including M, who did a hilarious song pieced together from the mad ramblings of people he's met while taking public transportation (or hanging out in front of Blake's in Berkeley last New Year's Eve). It went over really well with the audience. Faun Fables performed a road-honed and slightly reorganized version of the same show we saw a month ago. The stage at the Oakland Metro, which apparently was built for an opera production, was interesting, with multiple levels and not a whole lot of space. They made it work though.

Willow, who I thought was asleep, just walked into the room, so I'm going to convince her that it's well past bedtime now. Silly girl.

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