Sunday, August 23, 2020

 The fires are still burning. The park buildings at Big Basin State Park have been mostly or completely destroyed, and reports indicate that some of the redwoods have succumbed to the fire as well, despite them being difficult to burn. 

There is a news story that a small asteroid is heading towards Earth, forecast to be here the day before election day. Of course. That said, there is a less that one percent chance of it actually hitting, and it's only around 6 feet across. But still...

The air quality has varied this week. At the moment, it's starting to smell smoky again. In addition, there is more wind and dry lightning in the forecast. 

Here are some more photos of the sunset. There is a kind of apocalyptic beauty here. Don't get me wrong, I rather have standing forests than beautiful sunsets, but sometimes one doesn't get a choice.

I have one more week before I return to work, and I'm still not exactly sure what we'll be doing as the school year starts.  This week, I'm watching old VHS tapes with the intention of passing them on afterward. It's nice to revisit old favorites. Let it be noted that downsizing is something I don't often do, but the reality is that I don't think I've watched any of these movies since the nineties, so at this rate, I'll be in my mid to late seventies before I watch them again. Time to get rid of them, I think.  

The chickens are kicking up a fuss at the moment. Perhaps they're complaining about the air quality. You and me both, chickens. You and me both.

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