Thursday, June 06, 2013

It's A Long Way To Mordor...

I might have mentioned a while back that I started a "Walk To Mordor" challenge, which simply means that I log the miles I walk until they add up to the distance Frodo and Sam covered on their way to Morder. That's 1779 miles, which is a long way for shrimps with fur on their feet to walk. After the two mile walk around camp I just completed, I now have only 1250 more miles to go. No fur on my feet either.

Tonight as I walked, the fog briefly rolled in before deciding to keep rolling. While the fog was at its thickest, I startled a coyote out by the dumpsters. Perhaps it was planning some sort of trick with the trash. It quickly scampered towards the forest when it saw me, pausing on the edge of the asphalt where the trail that leads down to our ropes course begins. At this point, I made my wounded squirrel noise to see how it would respond. It must not have been impressed, because in a blink I was staring at empty asphalt.

Better than running into a Balrog, I guess.

At the end of my walk, right outside the camp office, I noticed that a Black Widow was hanging out by the door. That's less unexpected than the coyote was. Black Widows own the place when the people are asleep. Coyotes just visit now and then, usually while nobody is looking.

Currently listening to: Savina Yannatou & Primavera en Salonico "Sumiglia"

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