Tuesday, October 27, 2009

I'm listening to the wind toss the trees back and forth, and watching the orange light of evening slowly make its way across this particular corner of the world. Not that the world can have corners, it being spherical and all, but sometimes the words that fit aren't the most correct ones. Let's hear it for occasional incorrectness.

I'm taking the evening off work so J9 and I can go see Marissa Nadler and Alela Diane up in San Francisco. Looking forward to both the company and the music.

Autumn just seems to be the time when everything happens. Funny the difference a year makes.


Prettylittlecrow said...

Hi John,

I am wondering if Marissa played 'Marie/Dead Wives Club' for you? This was the occasion for the banjo during her Seattle show. I may be wrong, but I think this piece of music is also on the Leaves of Life compilation. I am sad to say that I wasn't able to see her show last weekend, but after reading your Vox post, I called a friend who did attend.

I love your remarks about (paraphrasing now) Marissa having her foot in the spirit world as compared to Alela sounding firmly rooted in the earthly realm. I was able to see Alela (with Iron and Wine) in May and she was lovely. In fact, I prefer Alele to Marissa, because her voice has that fabulous weight and range...despite the haunting quality. Tiger has me playing and singing Oh My Mama lately, which I love because Rob and I always dreamt of raising the children in a joyful house overflowing music and always swirling with the warm wind of encouragement. Somehow, I hear this dream in that song.

Funny you should mention 'The Cuckoo' because I removed that particular track from my library a few days ago..not because it isn't nicely done (and I do so enjoy Mariee Sioux) but simply because it makes me wish for Tim Eriksen. I don't like to pine for one musician, while enjoying another (or a pair of others, as in this case). It feels dissatisfied and cheaty...seems best to avoid that!

Your show 'reviews' are great! Thank you for writing them. Finally, I am happy for you. I see the good coming your way and it's a joy. Dive in!


dr silence said...

Hi Lorelei,

As usual, thanks for the comments and good wishes! I'm always happy to read your thoughts.

I don't think she played Dead Wives Club - and that resolves the banjo mystery quite nicely. Thank you! And yes, it is on the Leaves of Life compilation. I actually bought that particular cd twice, because the first time I bought it, it got lost in the mail (until recently, my address was on the postal service's "training route", so I got all the carriers who weren't yet able to match up the mail with the addresses).

I love your connection to Oh My Mama - it makes me appreciate the song even more. Gives it more resonance.

When I hear The Cuckoo, I always get taken back to the Pentangle version, which is the first version I remember hearing. Still, I always get excited to hear new versions. Maybe that's why I have so many damn cds.

Diving in!

Prettylittlecrow said...

Boo to the mail-woe. That is kind of the whole point of mail delivery... matching up the addresses, right? Hopefully that was a postal drop-out.

But, yay! to diving in!

Totally an aside, my mystery word below reads "severme". Hmmm.


dr silence said...

It was endlessly frustrating to have something as important as new music get mislaid by incompetent postal employees. The good news is, since the training route is now elsewhere, I've gotten everything I've ordered.

"Severme" sounds vaguely unsettling. Maybe computers are developing a dark sense of humor.

all the best,