Wednesday, October 10, 2012

The Night Sky Springs A Brief Leak

It rained, sort of. It hit the valley in the evening, but not for very long. Up in the hills at camp, I was despairing that I'd been cheated, but a few desultory drops found their way to the ground during the wee hours, and again within the last hour. Early on, I did get treated to a bit of thunder and lightning. There was a flash beyond the hill to the north, briefly backlighting it, and of course the attendant rumble of thunder.

It's not much, but it's been dry for so long that even a few drops seems like a deluge.

Currently listening to: Bernardo Devlin "Sic Transit"


Prettylittlecrow said...

Goodness! Are we on the same wavelength... Between the rain and the muse, you really should be a PNWer! And a runner. As for creativity, I'd keep making things with my hands and loving the people for whom I'm mad-passionate... this is being alive! Your wedding music sounds danc-e-licious! Lucky you two! x L

dr silence said...

Thanks, Lorelei!

I like your take on creativity. It's funny how sometimes I forget there are other kinds of creativity beyond writing, drawing, and making music. Ha.

Yes, I'd most likely by quite happy living in the PNW. Hopefully you're getting more rain up there than we are. It has gone back to being sunny and warmish here. I am more than ready for crackly Autumn leaves and bracing breezes. And rain. Lots of rain.

Happy Autumn!