To judge by the temperature, it could be early Spring right now. There hasn't even been any of the usual morning fog at camp either. It's dry like the sunny side of Mercury.
Here's another worried-sounding article about social encouragement to cut down on water use. It's good that at least some people are thinking ahead, but I'm sure that most people will only start to conserve when they are forced to, complaining bitterly about it the whole time. It reminds me of a post I saw today on our neighborhood's online forum. A guy was seriously comparing recycling to communism. I imagine he drives a Hummer and thinks that the Tea Party is the intellectual elite. Yeah, I'm stereotyping a bit, but some people make it so easy.
At work, we continue to do our best to inspire kids to be conservation-minded. We only get each group of kids for a week though, and I imagine that even the ones who are inspired in some way are likely to backslide after being back at home awhile. The lack of rain and the possibility of water rationing is a lesson in itself though. Maybe it will serve as a wake-up call for some of these kids because, after all, conservation isn't even a word in most people's vocabularies during times of plenty. Maybe soon the two minute showers we restrict them to at camp will mirror the ones they have to take at home.
In other conservation news, the hunter from Texas who won a bid to shoot an endangered Black Rhino (with proceeds apparently going towards rhino conservation efforts), may now become the hunted. People are rightfully outraged at the idea of letting this waste of space legally kill an endangered species, and apparently he has been getting death threats. I hope he wasn't too surprised by this. I know I'm not.
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