The second week of camp for 2014 has now vanished from my rear view mirror, leaving only vague memories of its passing. From my perspective, there were no real highlights, but no real low-lights either. Every week there is some kind of first though. This week's first was that a kid managed to wet the bunk bed in the Hub. Usually, kids only sleep on those beds if they're sick and/or waiting to get picked up at night. Sometimes, like this week, kids who are just plain tired out before bedtime sleep there. This one leaked. The same night, a girl hurt her neck pretty badly during the Thursday night dance, necessitating a ride home. For some reason, Thursday nights are often chaotic. To add to the general chaos this week, many kids were weeping uncontrollably due to it being the last night of camp. Or at least one kid was weeping for this reason. It only takes one to get the rest worked up. It's like a person driving too slowly on a one-lane road. It affects everybody.
Since I know this about campers, I always try to make my Thursday night talk as funny as possible. This week, I was too successful. I found out later from one of the cabin leaders that one girl laughed so hard she wet her pants.
Sometimes you just can't win.
Shifting gears slightly, this morning, reading the news, I find myself hoping that these kids won't end up inheriting a dystopia after we're gone. This article makes me wonder if it might already be too late. It's like something out of a grim near-future science fiction film.
Closer to home, Governor Brown has officially declared a drought emergency. Read the article here.
Closer still (in fact, right around the corner from my old apartment), Flames has apparently gone up in flames. Oh, the irony.
Currently listening to: Zoe Boekbinder "100/100"
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