Jeanine and I went to Portal Park near my mom's old house yesterday and hid a letterbox to commemorate the 4th anniversary of her death. We hid one three years ago too, but that one quickly vanished due to it being hidden in a well traveled and well maintained area. The new letterbox is hidden a bit more off the beaten path,buried behind a Redwood tree. Check out the page for it here. I'll post an image of the stamp impression soon. Nobody has found it yet, but I'm sure that will change soon.
It's strange that four years have passed already. Gone but not forgotten.
I'm working days this week, and will be doing so for most of the rest of the school year (not to mention summer). At the moment, it looks like I'm only working two weeks of nights until September. The kids this week are well behaved and seem excited to be in the woods. A few of them didn't seem to want to sit in the dirt though, instead choosing to squat when the rest of us sat down. It's funny how some people are afraid of dirt. They relented and sat down after I did a dirt angel (that's like a snow angel, except for the obvious difference). It's fun to be back in the swing of things during the day, and I noted that I was feeling an emotion akin to joy earlier today. I really do love my job.
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