I've been messing around with a Canon Rebel camera for the last couple of days. It's fortuitous that one of my coworkers decided to sell it, because it's the kind of camera I've been wanting to get. He handed it over at the end of the work week, and I'll be handing him payment sometime later this week. The software that comes with it, not to mention the larger photo files it creates, has forced me to empty a lot of stuff onto an external drive, but I'm really liking the camera so far. Now, I just have to learn how to use it properly.
I took the girls to a show up in Berkeley on Saturday, and I tried out the camera a bit while we wandered along the Berkeley Pier.
At home, Henrietta laid her first egg. Ameraucana hens lay green ones.
Our slow internet connection, coupled with the larger photo files, means it takes forever to upload photos. For some reason though, Blogger is much quicker than Typepad.
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