Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Monday Night Again

My second work week of the new year started with the usual sort of Monday night chaos, and then some. The hose I usually use to put out the campfire still has no pressure, a couple of bathroom doors were inexplicably locked, the cabin leaders didn't have the flashlights and books they were supposed to have, a dad showed up to pick up his kid only to discover that he was at the wrong camp (this happens depressingly often - way to know where your kids are, parents!), somebody lost a tooth, and there was the usual amount of homesickness, and another kid who was waiting to get picked up had to wait a long time because his parents had gotten lost (a teacher eventually drove down the hill to find them). All in a night's work, I guess. Of course, once the initial hurdle of Monday night bedtime is behind me, things usually calm down. Sometimes they stay calm for the rest of the week. Sometimes not.

They stayed calm for most of the night, marred only by a couple of visits from a kid whose stomach hurt because he was missing his mommy, and a girl whose little friend Ralph ascended through her digestive tract and splattered the ground near the door to her cabin. Ralph lay there, glistening in the moonlight, until I covered him in kitty litter to dry him out so he could be swept up and tossed. The girl actually volunteered to clean up the mess herself. How helpful!

Lots of kids puke at camp, usually for emotional rather than physical reasons.

The dawn was dry and blue, which gives me the blues. There is no interesting weather in the forecast at all.

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