Saturday, June 24, 2023

Night of the Living Bread

 I went to Safeway today, and I was walking past the meat counter at the back of the store when an unfamiliar voice spoke some very familiar words, "they're coming to get you, Barbara!"

It's funny how at first one tries to put things into context. Did I mis-hear? Was Barbara's order ready? Then I remembered I was wearing a Night of the Living Dead T-shirt. They guy behind the meat counter obviously approved.

Best unexpected laugh of the day so far. 

Friday, June 23, 2023

Another Moment in Time

 I've mostly ignored this site lately, but on occasion, I hope that I'll find the inspiration and the time to post more regularly. I've always preferred posting on a blog that nobody reads to posting on social media. I almost wrote that I'm not sure why, but that wouldn't quite be true. I like to leave a trail of words that meander like a single-track dirt path to nowhere in particular rather than post a few short lines that inspire some sort of response from the ready-made audience lurking on social media. Why? Because I'm an introvert by nature and social obligations, even something as simple as replying to people's responses, are oddly draining. 

At any rate, at this point in time I'm in the thick of another season of summer camp. Week 2 of 9, to be precise. The Summer Solstice has just passed, and the days are slowly getting shorter again. The trip home today was lengthened by a detour up a narrow road called Redwood Gulch as construction crews put in a temporary bridge on Highway 9 so they can refurbish the existing bridge. 

Everything is generally going okay. Music and wilderness continue to inspire. 

Happy Solstice to everyone. May the darkness return!