Thursday, December 31, 2015


I mentioned that I was going to take a "moderation in all things" approach to life this coming year. One of the reasons for this decision is the fact that the amount of money I spend on music isn't sustainable. I keep very good track of how much money I spend online, but I rarely add it up because I really don't want to know what the totals are. I just added up the amount spent on items I'm still waiting for (meaning they were either preorders or things I've recently ordered), and the total money involved in just these is $750.00. I'm a little afraid to add up the rest.

It's not just the money spent either, although that's a big part of it. It's also the fact that I don't really have time to listen to all of this music properly. Sure, I listen to everything I buy, and I enjoy it all to one degree or another, but sometimes months or years will pass before I re-listen to some of them. Gone are the days where something lives on my turntable (or CD player, etc.) for weeks while I listen to it again and again. I want to bring those days back. This means I have to get a lot more selective about what I buy this coming year.

I'm getting to the age where there is most likely less time in my future than there was in my past. Now that's a thought to give one pause... It's time to focus more on what I have, and less on what I want. I do enjoy supporting all of the musicians who are making great music, but damn, there sure are a lot of them.

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