Sunday, December 06, 2015

Conspicuous Consumption

Our house if full of shelves, including this one.

Where music is concerned, I never made the jump from physical to digital downloads. Being a resident of the real world, I like to hold objects in my hand. I like to look at lyric sheets and flip through CD booklets. This means there are shelves of records, CDs, and even cassettes peppered throughout the house. I plan on cutting back on my music expenditures, because it's one area of my life that is somewhat out of control. I'm also aware that, as an environmentalist, it's a bit hypocritical of me to insist on owning physical objects made of plastic and paper when I could acquire music through the aether. Humans are weird.

I now notice that this particular shelf needs dusting. The various objects sharing space with the CDs are mostly gifts. At least my CD shelves create extra space to display favorite knick-knacks.

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