Wednesday, December 09, 2015

House of the Rising Sun

Out my window, I see a blue sky, painted with a few white wisps of cloud. A lone dove is perched on a power line, perhaps expelled from the covey lining the wires farther up and away. Brian the kitten has just been kicked out of my lap for biting.

Here is the sky at camp. I took the picture right before waking the kids up with some delicately-played trombone music.

Once I got home, I got a rare picture of Dexter and Brian sitting quietly together while they waited for Jeanine to come back in from letting the chickens out. Speaking of chickens, our one remaining rooster, Noodle Soup, finally started to crow. I heard him at midnight the other night, so not only is he crowing, but doing so at strange, random times. Jeanine immediately set the wheels turning to re-home him, and he now lives in Modesto with a flock. That leaves one bird, a chicken named Shelly, from the batch that hatched from Safeway eggs awhile back. We're keeping her because she is quiet. Loose lips sink ships, or perhaps, flappy beaks cause leaks...

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