It rained overnight, but the day dawned mostly clear. The hills around the school have that fresh, after-rain smell. The dust on the trails has been beaten down and turned to mud. Newts and slugs are rejoicing.
Three schools converged on us this morning. My field class is a mixture of students from the three. On the list of medical information/special needs I notice that I have a couple of ADHD kids, one girl who has "extreme energy", and a boy who is "inattentive". This last fellow fully admitted to his malady during our first group meeting, and then went on to demonstrate it. Over all though, they seemed like a good group of kids, class clowns and all.
I'm honing my style this week, building on last weeks experience. The first few weeks of any new job are like this - constant improvement and improved retention of all of the little details. This job has lots of little details, most of them revolving around the camp routine. The field class part is pretty straightforward though. Take the kids into the woods (or chapparal, or riparian area) and teach them things. Of course, the things that we have to teach them are pretty specific. There are standards involved here.
It's quiet outside right now, but it's supposed to rain before morning. Tomorrow will be wet, but that doesn't bother me. We need the rain.
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