Monday, October 04, 2004

I found out today that the other two people competing for the full time Environmental Education Specialist position both already work at the school part time (or full time, part year). That means I'll most likely get the full time, part year position instead, which means I'll have some gaping gaps in my schedule that will need filling somehow or other. I should find out for sure by midweek.

I spent the morning observing the program at the school. The treetops disappeared into the soft greyness of the persistant mist. Then busloads of sixth graders arrived. I felt like I was a kid again. The atmosphere was that evocative of childhood for me. All of the people I met seemed nice and relaxed. I think I created a bit of a buzz, being an outsider competing against a couple of insiders for a permanent position, but I didn't get the feeling that anybody resented me. There's free food for employees as well.

In the afternoon, I went and taught at the same school as last Monday, and the kids still acted like extras from Lord of the Flies. This should be my last time teaching this particular group. I told the woman who hired me for this job that I wouldn't be able to teach after school programs after the end of the week, and she was very understanding. I'll still be able to do fun birthday parties for them on the weekends though. That's good, because we're going to need the money.

At night, I went back to observe more camp. Campfire, actually. They actually started the fire the old fashioned way - rubbing sticks together. Songs, skits, and merriment followed. It's going to be another of those "I can't believe I'm getting paid to do this" jobs.

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