It has been a long week. I think it seems this way mostly because of all the driving I've been doing, travelling from school to school and never staying in one place for long. I'm looking forward to next week, when I get to stay in one place and teach something really important - natural cycles and respect for our planet. The kids I've been observing this week really seemed to get it, and hopefully took some new attitudes away from the camp experience. I'm happy to be a part of a team helping to teach this type of curriculum.
We've got to fight against all of the plastic shit out there, whether it's part of the packaging or something packaged. Lexy got more plastic shit from the well-meaning but misguided mom of one of his friends today. A Bruce Lee ninja set, for chrissakes! Absolute plastic shit. Just what we need, more plastic swords and nunchucks and what have you. Imagine, if you will, four small children running around the house with ninja paraphenalia, and you will have some insight into what I had to contend with this evening. Granted, Willow wasn't all that interested. She was more interested in wearing one of the boys' Nasa caps at a jaunty angle while watching Teletubbies. The Dickens, for her part, decided that her time would be well spent by chewing on the little plastic suction cup arrows that she couldn't figure out how to shoot from the shitty little plastic bow. Both of the arrows are now bent beyond repair. Hurrah!
While all of this was going on, Jen was out being reminded why she never goes to ToysbackwardsRus. Home of battery operated plastic shit. She fared slightly better at Target, so now Lexy will have some birthday stuff for tomorrow.
Tomorrow, tomorrow. Jen is helping out at the school walkathon. I'm getting trained on how to do birthday parties for my now even more part-time job. I'm taking the girls with me for this, so my training will no doubt be interrupted. It's good to work for a company that welcomes children in the office. There will no doubt be plenty of things to keep them occupied. It's kind of strange that I'll be the paid entertainment at a stranger's birthday party on Lexy's birthday, but we're planning a family party afterwards.
I don't feel so tired as long as I keep moving. Whenever I sit down it hits me. Mustn't sit down then.
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