Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Lead Us Not Into...

To illustrate the temptation I'm faced with when I'm online, I give you this afternoon:

After a quick check of my e-mail and Facebook accounts, three musical carrots dangled in front of me. One came my way via a Bandcamp e-mail. Once you buy something through Bandcamp, "helpful" e-mails will appear in your inbox every time that artist or label releases something new. The second and third enticements appeared in my Facebook feed, with one being a recommendation (for a new Polish black/doom metal band) from a friend, and the other being an update from a veteran Italian horror electronics group who is celebrating their 30th anniversary by releasing not one, but three albums.

I'm listening to the Polish band via YouTube as I type. If this was last year, I already would have clicked a "purchase" button or two, but this is this year, and I'm trying to restrain myself. I always tell the kids who get in trouble at camp that they should think before they act, so I'm walking the talk and following my own advice here. I really do have enough music. Besides, I'm over my (somewhat arbitrary) budget for this month already. That's a little sad, given that we're only halfway through the month.

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