Tuesday, March 01, 2016

Beginnings and Endings

When I woke up this afternoon, I did something different. I didn't immediately fire up my laptop. In fact, I waited around 2.5 hours before doing so. I'm trying to break the habit of immediately sitting down and losing myself in the garish unreality of the internet. So it begins...

On a much more sobering note, Jeanine's dad died last night. Ever since I've known Jeanine, her dad has been in various assisted-living situations, with each successive one upping the assistance. Strangely enough, I never officially met the man, although I did see him unconscious in a hospital bed once (after yet another stroke). Jeanine would often refer to him as a "grumpy old fart" or a "stubborn old man".

He was just short of eighty years old. R.I.P., Edwin.

Jeanine and Eva are at a punk show tonight, and I'll be going to work in a few hours. I'm turning off the laptop now.

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