More than 15 kids have gone home sick this week. The symptoms have invariably been vomiting, headaches, and fevers. This morning, the paramedics had to be called because a girl had a 103 degree-plus fever and was acting kind of spacy. One kid went home tonight for starting an altercation during the dance. It has been a busy week. Nothing we couldn't handle though. I still have about six more hours on my shift before the week is officially over though.
This year, I plan to start each month with some sort of personal challenge. January's challenge was to not buy any new music, which seems like a silly and pointless thing to do, but I've been overdoing my music consumption for years, spending huge amounts of time and money amassing a large collection that, truthfully, I struggle to find the time to enjoy. I'm often too busy listening to new acquisitions to go back and re-listen to older ones. Sure, I enjoy each new purchase, but I also enjoy the cheaper option of going back and listening to records already in my collection. I was relatively successful with this challenge, if one discounts the two purchases I made on the first weekend of the month (Jeanine actually enabled me by saying it made more sense to start at the beginning of the work week, so with this justification in mind, I made a pair of purchases), and one pre-order made mid-month, justified by making a challenge within a challenge of walking 5 miles and doing something creative before making the purchase. I walked nearly 6 miles on that particular Saturday, and carved a nice little chicken rubber stamp.
I think my challenge for February will be to lose 10 pounds before the end of the month. If I write about it, maybe it will actually happen.
Currently listening to: Monolyth & Cobalt "Sub + Rosa"
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