Monday, January 05, 2015

Back To Work

In around an hour, I'm leaving for my first night of work this year. My two week break sure vanished quickly. Today, I went out and got a Blu-Ray player and groceries. I don't often buy electronic playthings, but I've been thinking of getting a Blu-Ray player for awhile now. Now that we're halfway through the second decade of the 21st century, I figured I'd take one more little step toward making it seem like I don't still live in the last century. Ha. I'm actually planning on doing some cooking with the groceries. I've always been an advocate of not buying packaged meals, but often find myself not living up to my own standards in this regard. I've got a couple of new cookbooks to play around with though (this one and this one), which will hopefully help cut down on lazy meals. The second one was created by some friends. I can't wait to try out some of the recipes.

Meanwhile, in the yard, urban wildlife is always in our peripheral vision.

Somebody just came by and picked up our old coop, since our chickens have a new one. We should be getting eggs again pretty soon. Mrs. Charles laid her very first egg on January 7th, last year. There are some types of chickens who produce eggs year round, but not ours. Ours take a break.

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