Monday, September 20, 2004

We got an exquisite taste of autumn on Sunday. The temperature dropped, a breeze was kindled, and the clouds teased us with a sprinkle or two. Lovely. Today, however, it was warmer and clearish. Not so lovely.

I went to the first meeting for my new part time job today, all the while feeling guilty in the knowledge that if I find a full time one, I'm going to have to quit. One of last year's co-workers from the BioSITE program also works there, so there's at least one familiar face. And the unfamiliar faces all seem to belong to nice people, so it will be fun while it lasts. The actual job involves teaching after-school science programs at various locations around the South Bay. The only problem is that it's in one hour segments in the middle of the afternoon, making the scheduling of other projects or jobs frustrating, to say the least. The pay per hour is really good, but the number of hours is severely lacking. Lacking or not though, I'll do as much as I can for now. I get trained over the weekend and early next week. I also start teaching early next week. I also get interviewed by a panel of three people for a full time position next week. Hopefully I'll also hear back from the other potential employer by then.

I'll be glad when the dust settles.

Happy almost birthday to Jen!

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