This probably happens a lot in small towns: You've applied for a job, and you know that you have a pretty good chance of getting it, but then one day a friend overhears a woman in a $tarbucks coffee shop excitedly talking to a friend about how she just got offered that very same position.
Imagine my surprise when it happened to me here in a city of almost a million people (and that's not counting the suburban sprawl of towns and cities nearby).
So what was this job that I almost had? It was a supervisor position at the museum. Apparently it was down to me and this mysterious woman. It seems that she got the job because her background is more purely managerial than mine. It seems that previous supervisors had voiced their frustration about not getting to interact with children as much as they would have liked. Since they know me, they felt that I would encounter this same frustration. At the moment though, I'm not worried about frustration. I'm worried about paying the damn bills.
I'm irritated. I've worked there for over six years, and I also have over six years managerial experience (at a bookstore). I'll probably continue to be irritated until I find a position somewhere else. That said, I think that the other possibilities I have in front of me at the moment sound more interesting than a supervisor job. I'll probably eventually be glad that I didn't get this one. Eventually.
And think about the odds of finding out about it like I did. They have got to be steeper odds than winning the lottery. Very coincidental indeed. Or was there some reason why it happened this way - some lesson to be learned? Time will tell, like it almost always does.
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