Willow is scooting and crawling all over the place, which means she has to be monitored more carefully, especially when she's hooked up to her feeding tube. I've already seen her stretch it to the limit a couple of times. She's just a hair shy of 15 pounds now.
The Dickens has a favorite book, an epic tale called "The Big Red Barn". This book allows us to peek into the lives of various farm animals as they play in the grass and the hay and then retire for the night so the mice and bats can have their turn playing. It's actually kind of nice to enter that little-kid world where farm animals cuddle up under one roof after a fulfilling day of romping around in the grass. The Dickens seems especially curious about the goose peeking around the corner of the barn, which I made the mistake of calling "duck" the other day. Now whenever she points at it and asks, "what dat?", and I say "goose", she corrects me - "it a duck!", so duck it will stay.
One day she will grow up and realize why animals are on farms and what becomes of them. For now though, she will remain ignorant. Innocence is fleeting, and should be treasured. So should reading. We mustn't let it become a lost art.
cds I listened to while hoping no burgler alarms were going off anywhere: Primordial "Imrama", Northwinds "Masters of Magic", Savina Yannatou & Lena Platonos "Kariotakis - 13 Songs with Savina Yannatou", Bonfire Madigan "88", and Irr.App.(Ext.) "Perekluchenie"
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