The thinnest of crescent moons graces the sky. Arrogant drivers continue to insult the asphalt. On the way to work, I saw not one, but two different people fling lit cigarettes out of their windows. On one hand, throwing cigarette butts out of your window seems like such a little thing, but if everybody did it... you can see the problem. A person could make the argument that driving itself pollutes more than the contents of an ashtray ever could, but as a culture we're pretty much stuck with our cars. It's a lot easier to just put the damn thing in your ashtray than it is to find alternative transportation. I guess it bothers me because it's just such a self-absorbed act.
I imagine some beetle-browed oaf hunched behind his steering wheel, his face flapping in the breeze from his open window and drool spreading horizontally across his left cheek as the slipstream catches it: "I done with dis now so I throw it out window", or, "Hey! Dis hot! Fire bad! Get fire away from meee!" The end result is the same - a shower of sparks on the asphalt, and one more piece of garbage strewn along the freeway. Too many pieces of garbage with driver's licenses.
cds I listened to while dodging cigarette butts: Paul Chain "Whited Sepulchres" and "Dies Irae", Current 93 "Dogs Blood Rising", "Where The Long Shadows Fall", "All The Pretty Little Horses", and "The Starres Are Marching Sadly Home"
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