Sunday, July 24, 2016

Trailblazers, Week 2

Week two of Trailblazers went more smoothly than the first one, although that is not surprising. Week one usually sees us all relearning the intricacies of the routine, and this year, since I'm the only returning leader, it was mostly straight-up learning.

Also, this was the first week working alongside the Leaders In Training program, which provides us with junior counselors-to-be (13 year old kids learning how to be counselors). This year, the L.I.T. program is led by Bat, Scooby (who retired at the end of last summer but hasn't let that stop him from working), and Raven (who retired from teaching recently, but hasn't let that stop her from working), and it's always a pleasure and an honor to work alongside them. As an added bonus, the campers were better behaved this week, so I spent less time putting out fires and more time adding extra layers of fun and meaning to the week. It was also much cooler, which always helps.

I didn't take many pictures this week, but here's a couple.

Dragonfly exoskeletons, left on a twig near the little cement pond in Sanborn Park:

A cormorant on a rock at Lake Ranch Reservoir. The Heron was hanging around too, but I didn't have my zoom lens:

Lake Ranch Reservoir:

And finally, the Friday mandala.

Starting tomorrow, Willow will be an L.I.T., and Nathan will be one of the L.I.T. mentors. It's supposed to be hotter this week. Damn.

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