Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Cooking Eggs On the Cement

I didn't actually cook eggs on the cement, but today, it might have worked if I'd tried. It's supposed to be in the mid to high nineties for the rest of the week, which means I'll probably be low energy. I dislike warm weather.

Last week, my friend and co-worker Weasel shadowed me for most of the field classes I taught. She has been involved with Walden West for a long time, but she hasn't had much opportunity to be a field instructor, so she wanted to check out an entire week of lessons so she could learn new things. We had middle school kids who actually still had an abundance of childlike enthusiasm. That said, one boy in another field class managed to not only get kicked out on Monday, but get handcuffed by the sheriff. He was being driven home by a coworker and a teacher when he unbuckled his seat belt, and when my coworker pulled the van over, he got out and walked down the road. The police were called, and he was eventually put in handcuffs, but only after throwing rocks at the police car.

As usual, we saw lots of rattlesnakes.

The night hike was about 20 degrees cooler than the one I led the previous week, which meant that, instead of seeing 30 scorpions, we only saw 2. Scorpions like it warm.

On Saturday, it was "take your husband to work" night for Jeanine. I wanted to spend her birthday with her, but she had to work, so I went with her to a wedding in San Francisco and watched her make balloons and paint faces for a bunch of enthusiastic kids. Most of them used their new balloons as weapons. There is nothing cuter than watching a pair of small boys pummel each other with balloon dogs.

Sunday, we saw the newest Central Works play, which is based on Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, or more correctly, on Robert Louis Stevenson and his wife, Fanny, and their disagreements about the story. If it was cooler I'd dig a little deeper here, but it's not, so I won't. As usual, Greg's sound design was excellent.

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