A place you would live, but have never visited:
This is a hard one to answer, because I’m not going to commit to living somewhere I’ve never visited. I wouldn’t buy a house without seeing it first, and I certainly wouldn’t commit to living in a geographic region (whether it be a city, county, or country) without visiting first. That said, for some reason, Scotland and Ireland come to mind. So do New Zealand and Australia. I’d rather live in a temperate or even arctic region rather than live near the equator. I’m not into constant heat and humidity. Scotland, from what I’ve seen in pictures and film, looks ruggedly beautiful. I know people in Ireland, which is helpful. Come to think of it, I have at least one friend in Switzerland too, so I’ll have to add it to this list. New Zealand and Australia are full of interesting wildlife. Living somewhere in Scandinavia might be interesting too, although it would involve having to learn a new language, and at my age, that wouldn’t be much fun. How would I make a living in these places? Not sure.
As for U.S. states that I haven't visited, maybe somewhere like Maine, Alaska, or Hawaii.
The short answer is: somewhere beautiful and interesting, without excessive heat, and populated by people who I share a language with. I'm getting too old to be able to easily learn a new language.
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