Monday, April 27, 2015

Home For Wayward Critters

Yeah, I know, no posts for almost two weeks and then two posts in one day. Color me inconsistent.

Most people, let alone young girls, freak out when large spiders appear in the bathtub. My stepdaughter Eva, on the other hand, wants to keep them as pets. Her current pet is a large, female jumping spider (I have yet to sit down and figure out the exact species), who has been living in a jar on our kitchen table for a few days now. It suddenly occurred to me that the spider might like the wax worms I'd bought for the Sandfish, so I dropped one in. Sure enough, in no time, the spider had pounced and retreated up the side of the jar with the wax worm dangling from her face.

I took pictures, of course.

This reminds me that I haven't mentioned a couple of other new additions to our menagerie (*goes and takes a handful of quick pictures, then runs back to computer*). In the middle of last week, Jeanine casually mentioned that she had just agreed to adopt a Ball Python (I love that we both have this kind of problem!). At about the same time, I got a Facebook message from my friend/coworker Cedar, offering us an iguana. He and his partner, Pika, had a pair of iguanas, but the nice one recently died, leaving behind the ass-hat iguana. Did I want said ass-hat? I hemmed and hawed, but eventually said yes. It didn't look like anybody else was showing an interest, so it was kind of a good deed for all concerned. I'm going to try to hold him regularly, and just maybe he'll calm down a bit. So far, he has shown a high opinion of mangoes, but a low opinion of everything else.

As for the python, it came with a sad story as well. Jeanine's friend got it a year ago while at a garage sale. It wasn't for sale, and when she asked about it, she was told that they were waiting for it to die. It was in a cage in the yard, and that is apparently where the people were keeping it. I don't know if it was a pet belonging to a kid who had gone off to college, or what, but it sounds like those particular people should have been arrested for cruelty to animals. Jeanine's friend isn't a snake person, and only took it because she felt sorry for it. Now, it lives with us.

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