Tuesday, February 24, 2015

New Fence

The new fence went up today. I had to get up in the middle of the day to pay the builder, but that didn't take long and soon I was back in slumberland. While I was up, he pointed out the extra board he'd installed across the bottom of the gateway on the side of the house. "So the chickens won't be able to dig under," he said. It's nice to employ a fence builder who takes the chickens into account. He has chickens himself, as well as cows, and actually gave us precedence over another project (someone who'd hired him first) because he was mindful that the chickens needed to be allowed out of the coop in order to continue their habitual ravaging of the yard.

The chickens went right back to pooping and scattering dirt and dust everywhere. Their current favorite spot to take dirt baths is right outside the back window, and they really made a mess out there today.

It has been a cold, clear week so far. At camp, the kids have been easy. A Ceanothus Silk Moth was hanging out by the kitchen door last night. They are big enough that I spotted it from around 40 feet away.

Tomorrow is Willow's birthday. She is turning 12. Eva's birthday is Thursday. She'll be 14. Presents will be dispensed and cake consumed.

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