Saturday, November 01, 2014

Halloween, 2014

Despite my best intentions, plans I have for holidays seldom come to fruition. The days zoom by like a never ending flipbook, deadlines be damned. This Halloween, we didn't even get pumpkins until the 31st. I left it to Jeanine to buy them, and she always gets them at grocery stores because its cheaper that way. This year, the grocery stores must have under-ordered. She ended up getting three little ones yesterday, and the last minute carving idea that popped into my head was this.

I did the eyes, and Jeanine did the mouth. We were told it looked like all one pumpkin from the street. Neither of us went out and checked though.

We got somewhere in the neighborhood of 70 trick-or-treaters this year, sometimes in groups of 15 or so. It was nice to see a few homemade costumes in the mix. Jeanine once again made seasonal balloon wands to hand out, and the constantly ringing doorbell kept her busy. Apparently, we're now known as "the balloon house".

After the visitors dwindled, we sat down and watched Mario Bava's "Bay of Blood". So, basically, all we did this Halloween was hand out candy and balloons, and then watch a horror movie. At least Eva got out of the house. Willow is with her mom this weekend, and the last she mentioned, she was planning on being a skeleton. She tends to change her mind about things though, sometimes at the last minute. I'll know more shortly.

Oh, and it rained. Most of it happened while I was sleeping, but I did take sunrise and sunset photos which were nicely enhanced by threatening clouds.

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