Sometimes weekends come and go without much of anything happening. On one hand, it's nice to have lazy days, but on the other hand, it's nice to finish the weekend with a sense of accomplishment. Sure, I put together the new lawn mower and mowed the lawn, and I took Willow out to unsuccessfully look for a Halloween costume, but none of us did anything especially noteworthy. Jeanine, as usual, spent most of the weekend working. Eva went out to a concert on Friday night. Willow parked herself in front of the TV when we weren't out and about. I try to get her interested in doing active things, but usually this requires me not giving her a choice. Her default setting is inactivity, which is funny, because she willingly joined the cross-country team at school. She is always involved in some sort of sport, whether it be soccer, softball, or running, but at home she just wants to unwind in front of a screen. It's probably at least partially my fault, because I do the same thing (in fact I'm doing it right now) with my laptop.
And what does Willow want for Christmas? A laptop.
Out in the yard, the doves brave the threat of hawks and continue to hang around. One of the chickens may have a case of Bumblefoot.
Tonight marks the start of my third week back at work for the season. There are only supposed to be 75 kids though, so the place will feel half empty. Whether or not that will make a difference in my workload remains to be seen. It all depends on the kids.
Finally, here's an interesting article that points to a link between California's drought and climate change. Right now, the sky out my window is blue, with no rain in the immediate forecast.
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