I haven't been completely slothful, of course. Things are growing in the garden, and there is always other yard work to be done. That's suburban living for you. Yesterday marks our one-year anniversary of getting handed the keys to our house. I thought about blogging about this then, but my slothfulness got the better of me and we went and saw Iron Man 3 instead. It was pretty good.
Plans are afoot to populate the yard with chickens. More on this as it happens. In the meantime, we have a new Sandfish to hang out with. Willow named him Mr. Snout. He eats crickets and, surprisingly, bananas. Like our other recent reptilian acquisitions, he prefers to spend his time with a few inches of substrate over his head, which means that we don't see him unless we go digging for him.
Currently listening to: Eitarnora 3" DVD (from the special edition of their CD, "Tall Grasses and Black Ash")
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