I feel like I've adopted a life of indolence lately. Everything is running smoothly and great big chunks of weeks and months just slip by. The good thing about this is that I'm happy, but the bad thing is that I feel like I haven't done anything truly creative in eons. I've been more or less ignoring this blog too.
I haven't been completely slothful, of course. Things are growing in the garden, and there is always other yard work to be done. That's suburban living for you. Yesterday marks our one-year anniversary of getting handed the keys to our house. I thought about blogging about this then, but my slothfulness got the better of me and we went and saw Iron Man 3 instead. It was pretty good.
Plans are afoot to populate the yard with chickens. More on this as it happens. In the meantime, we have a new Sandfish to hang out with. Willow named him Mr. Snout. He eats crickets and, surprisingly, bananas. Like our other recent reptilian acquisitions, he prefers to spend his time with a few inches of substrate over his head, which means that we don't see him unless we go digging for him.
Currently listening to:
Eitarnora 3" DVD (from the special edition of their CD, "Tall Grasses and Black Ash")